The Good Beer Running Club was founded in 2014 by Jared Palu & Jimmie Gold. Working in the hospitality sector of the craft beer industry, both were embracing the hospo lifestyle and perhaps indulging a little too much on good beer & bar food. To ensure their longevity (and to keep their jeans fitting), Jim & Jared started meeting up at good beer venues and going for a run & using a good beer to act as a reward they could enjoy upon finishing. This caught on with other craft beer industry folk and soon enough the group was formed and the rest is history.

These days the club has grown into an all inclusive, welcoming and encouraging space for runners of all levels to enjoy. We also recruited Lisa Bailey (absolute pillar within the local craft beer & running scene) to help out with planning & organisation, as well as bringing a fresh enthusiasm to our humble club. Our runners are made up of beer industry folk, non-beer industry beer lovers, non-beer industry non-beer drinkers (we basically don’t care if you drink beer or not, only pre-requisite is no egos / bad vibes).

We meet every Tuesday night at 6:15pm for a 6:30pm start. The venue rotates weekly and the distances are always 5km or 8km. Bag drop is available at all of our venues and there’s always a Tuesday night food special to keep costs down for our runners. There’s always meaty, vego, vegan & GF options available too. And of course, really good beer.